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2 Kings 4:3-5 “Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.She left him and afterward shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring.”

I remember taking my children to learn how to ride their bikes for the first time. This was such a challenge because I didn’t want them to fall and get scared of the bike. I remember my oldest son Caleb as he jumped on that bike!  He was so confident as I held the back of the seat and pushed him, until the moment I let go.  He would ride on his own and then begin to wiggle and crash!  After several times of crashing and trying to convince him that he would enjoy riding the bike, I remember the look in his eyes when I told him “you got this!” As we were on the street, I  pushed him once again and there he went! He drove that bike down the neighborhood and never looked bac! I began to run behind him just in case he needed me, but he rode that bike like a champ!   

In our text for today,  a certain widow who had lost her husband is distraught because the creditor is about to take her two boys from her as slaves. Her husband (who was a prophet and student of Elisha) had a debt to pay and now she was left alone to handle that debt. Immediately we are told that she ran to the man of God (Elisha) who then gives her instructions on how to pay that debt back. The instructions seem kind of odd, but she doesn’t question him at all, and follows his every word.  

One of the scariest moments is when we find ourselves alone. The people we once depended on are no longer around and now we are left to do the things that we once took for granted. So many people in this world struggle with co-dependency. They find themselves trapped because they feel they don’t have what it takes to actually get it done. So, they hide and struggle emotionally because they find themselves hopeless and without anyone to help them or do the thing, they feel they are incapable of doing.  

Elisha knew what he was doing. He asked the woman what she had to offer, and she replied by telling him she had a little oil left. What I find amazing was that the little oil she had was more than enough to pay her debt and to have for her and the two boys as leftovers.   

This indeed was a miracle, but only because faith was activated, and she put her trust in the Lord with the little she had. If we can only put our trust in the Lord, he will take the little that we have to offer and make us do great things.  Today, if you find yourself alone. Don’t allow fear, or the emotion of co-dependency take over your life. You have all that you need, “You GOT THIS!” Activate your faith and watch as God take the little that you have and multiplies it for his GLORY!  

Prayer: “Lord, I take the time to present to you the little that I have to offer. I thank you because you have given this to me, and I trust that you will make it reach as far as it needs to go. I place this in your hands, and I trust that you will give me the strength to overcome all my fears! In Jesus name. Amen!”