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Genesis 4:6-7Then the Lord said to Cain, “why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.
We all have choices to make in life. Choices that can bless us, or destroy us, heal or hurt, give or take, deliver or curse. Someone once said that “the decisions that we make dictate the life we lead.”
In the story of Cain in Abel we see that both made a sacrifice to the Lord, and Cain is found angry because God had shown favor onto his brothers sacrifice and not his. God deals with Cain in terms of loving confrontation and even makes it clear that he would be accepted if he did well.
To Cain these words from the Lord were not enough to take away the anger and the trap of pride that was suddenly taking over his mind. God even warns him of the destructive power of sin. Will he listen to the warnings and find the blessing’s, or will he be devoured by the sin and do what pleases him? 
Jesus died on the cross and overcame death with the resurrection to defeat sin once and for all. He has given us his Holy Spirit as an advocate to give us the power that is needed to overcome the temptations that we face on this earth as well. But just like Cain, he desires that we rule over sin (verse 7). As we have already completed our first week of 2022, that choice is yours!  Which will it be? 
Prayer: "God, we thank you for reminding us and also the fact that you come and warn us before we make decisions that can destroy our destiny. Cain had an opportunity to stop and live a blessing if he only obeyed and did what was right and pleasing to you. Our prayer is that we will be led by your Holy Spirit to make right choices that can help us be the Godly men and women we have been destined to be and also live out the purpose of our lives! To God be the glory, Amen!