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Isaiah 12:5 "Sing to the Lord, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world."

This is an exhortation to praise and worship the Lord. An encouragement to trust in his works, and the salvation that has been received. Isaiah wants us to join him and for some reason he just can’t stop worshipping God and talking about his goodness. 
The imperative in the text is to Sing to the Lord, and also to cry out and shout! This worshiper is so excited about God, and now he sings this song of the Lord to whoever will listen!  Do you have a song to sing to God today? Then sing it!  Allow the Holy Spirit’s wind to rush through you and open your mouth with a shout of triumph! Allow the enthusiasm of salvation and grace for your life to rise, and don’t stop declaring how good he has been!  
What we can glean from this text is that worship should never be half-hearted! It should never feel as an obligation. Instead, let it be the expression of your love and gratitude for his unfailing love for your life! 
When was the last time you felt the Joy of the Lord and freedom? Let the Spirit of the Lord take over and SING OUT LOUD!  
Prayer: "Heavenly Father, today we proclaim your name! We are not ashamed to let others know how grateful we are to be in relationship with you. May your Holy Spirit take over this vessel, and may you use me for your glory! May this Joy in me break out, and may it spring forth like never before!  Arise Holy Spirit, ARISE!"