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Matthew 27: 53 “The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people."   

When reading scripture, I tend to take a moment and meditate on each verse. During this time, I’ll read the text over and over allowing it to speak to me while certain words begin to pop out. I then circle each of these words as the Holy Spirit is leading me to focus on.  

As I read this text, the word that popped out to me was the word “appeared.” Jesus in the same way appeared to many of his disciples. In the book of John chapter 20 he appeared to Mary Magdalene, the disciples and even to Peter (John 21), while he was fishing. He appeared to two men as they walked on the Emmaus road. Each of these visits were done with a purpose in mind which was to minister to them the message of reconnection and hope, because this is what a resurrected life does. Just as Jesus appeared to his disciples and ministered and served them, we too must appear to those in need and serve as well. Resurrected living not only walks out of tombs, but it appears and serves their community. 

Where are you serving these days? Don’t just stay seated but wake up and get involved. Put your hands to the plow and be that man or woman God has purposed you to be while living in your new Resurrected life.  


Prayer: Lord, it is so awesome how you direct our steps. You not only died for us, but you rose and showed us the example of how we are to live in our resurrected life. Guide us in these next days as we begin to get involved and serve in any capacity while being a blessing to others, Amen.