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Isaiah 1:17 “learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.”

The prophet Isaiah in this chapter is prophesying to the children of Israel because of their unfaithfulness to God. He begins to share how God is not listening to their prayers or their worship gatherings, and how he even hides his face when they lift up their hands to him. All of these actions are outward duties that does not please the Lord. What good is it that we do everything right in the outside, yet our hearts are full of hate, or greed and sin? This was the children of Israel in this time.  

Matthew Henry stated,  “When sinners are under the judgements of God, they will more easily be brought to fly to their devotions than to forsake their sins and reform their lives.” God pleads with the people to reason with him, for his grace and mercy is reaching out and giving them the ingredients in how to reform from their evil ways.   

The reality is that without a change of heart, everything else becomes a religion or a ritual but not true transformation. God is sharing that a change of heart equals to a change of attitude and actions.  When we turn to the least, and care for the oppressed, our hearts will then be transformed. We will no longer cling unto our old man, but God will use our service to create in us the new man. When we set out to help those who are in need it speaks louder than our words, and it also reveals how we have changed internally.  

It’s time for true revival to take place in our lives. How can you serve the least today? Is there anyone who is fatherless that you can show the love of Jesus? Do you really want to grab the attention of God? Let your actions speak louder than words.  

Prayer: Lord, today we give you our heart. Help transform us and give us your heart as we seek to serve those who are oppressed and in need. May our actions speak volumes to who we are becoming for your glory. Amen.