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This year is a little different than others isn’t it? We begin our year with a lot of uncertainty. Never have I seen so many Christians professing their faith in so many different ways. And they all think they’re right. Poor atheists. Honestly, if I wasn’t Christian already, I would definitely not consider being one now because if scientists don’t agree and Christians who are supposed to have the answer don’t agree than what’s the point? 

Unfortunately now everyone is a scholar because of the internet but the Bible tells us in Proverbios 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall [a]direct your paths.” Yet when we’re arguing back and forth we forget this.

I recently shared my opinion on Facebook about the vaccine and I stand by it. I don’t ever just say what I actually think but there was so much back and forth that I went and posted it. Why did I ever think that was a good idea? And thus began the back and forth because unless you believe what they believe you’re wrong. But as I was writing my response the Holy Spirit whispered, “Don’t argue over foolish things, she doesn’t understand.” (Dramatic music please)

We get caught up in things that don’t matter and instead of being the beacon of life to the world and leading them to safe land, our lights are flickering and we end up letting them drown. So this year, like me I invite you to listen to God and not our own understanding. Recognizing that He is still on the throne and in control. God sometimes causes the storm and sometimes He calms it but He is still there. We have to trust above other people’s knowledge, above science, above our own misshapen Christian beliefs, above culture, above social media, above the news, ABOVE ALL ELSE in God and His guidance even if that means standing alone.

As we start another year, let us put God first in all we do. Let Him be the first one we run to and the last one we talk to in our day because then and only then will you be able to have peace.

“Dear Lord, we come into Your presence today, asking for forgiveness. Forgive us God for forgetting that You have it all figured out. The no matter what is happening, You are in control. Lord help us stay focused in You this year. Help us to trust in You and believe in Your goodness. Help us Lord, not get caught up in foolishness but be the answer this world is looking for. Amen”

1)     What are you afraid of? (make a list of all your doubts, pains, questions, etc.)

2)     What does the Bible say about them?

3)     What can you differently this year to make sure you stay focused on God and not your own understanding?