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Psalm 8:1 "Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

In this scripture that we are reading today, David is acknowledging both the covenant name of God (Lord), and the position of Yahweh to His people (Lord). What he is proclaiming here in the text, is the understanding that God is simply Master over mankind and all of creation.

What a way to start off the week as well. Before taking on any other thing this week. Why not pause to focus on the greatness of who God is in our lives. He is creator God! He moved the stars into their place with his fingers. He created the moon and the planets and the universe. God is simply great and wonderful! 

Why does our God who is so great love us so much?  This is what David is meditating on, and so should we. We should take this time to meditate no only at how big our God is but also how big his love is for us. Allow this to be the motivation of your day, and what springs you into what this week will unfold to be.

Be of great cheer that the God of the universe cares for you, and that he knows you by name.

Prayer: "Thank you Lord for creating mankind. For giving us your DNA and making us into your image. Although it is too big of a thing to comprehend, help us to continue to grow, and to know your ways in our lives. We take this time to meditate in who you are and the works of your hand. Continue to move your finger on us, as we trust your work, and the shaping of our souls. Amen"!