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John 4:13-15 “everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” 

In the beginning of the year our government began to send out a stimulus check of $600 to the people. This was sent out to help the millions of Americans who have lost jobs and are struggling during this pandemic. The goal of this stimulus check is simply to rouse activity or energy in the people to help the economy of our government. The stimulus is known as a good jumpstart to many who find themselves in need. 

 When I see this, I also acknowledge that God has a greater stimulus package that he has put together to help those who find themselves in a spiritual drought. His package was sent to the earth over 2,000 years ago in the form of his son as Jesus called himself the living water. In John 4:13-15 we see this stimulus package at work when the son of God was sitting next to Jacobs well and a certain Samaritan woman came that day to draw water. Jesus then asks her for water, and she is caught by surprise as a Jew normally would not speak to women especially a Samaritan. What I love about this conversation is the way Jesus tells her that if she only knew who it was that was asking her, she would instead ask for His water because he is the living water, and therefore would never have to return to this well again. Drinking the “living water” is the stimulus this Samaritan woman needed and it the same for all of us as well.  

In the book of Jeremiah 2:13, the prophet shares the words of the Lord to the Israelites as they had forsaken him the Living Water. Jesus is our living water. He alone desires that we drink from his presence and this alone is what we need for a great jumpstart in this new year. Later on, in the story of the Samaritan woman we see her running back to her community in verse and sharing with the people her experience. This encounter with Jesus stimulated this promiscuous woman to become a proclaimer of His Word!  Oh, may we come to the living water this year, and may God cause a resurgence in us to declare Him in our communities that HE is the greatest stimulus package we need for our lives.  

 Prayer:  “God! Today I stand in the gap for many who have been struggling, and empty. May we find our ways toward the greatest well ever and drink the living water that only you and your son can provide us. A water that will open our eyes and cause a revival in our personal lives and trickle to our community and churches. Have your way in us Lord! I thank you in Jesus Name, Amen.”