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Jeremiah 2:13 “My People have committed two sins: they have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water. “

In this scripture, God is speaking through the prophet Jeremiah as He is rebuking them for two great sins. First for forsaking Him as the Living Water, and secondly for digging up and creating for themselves cisterns. Now these cisterns they have created are not good because they are broken and cannot hold water.

Now a cistern was a receptacle for water conveyed to it, which denotes a place where water rises on the spot as a fountain. Cisterns are frequently mentioned in scripture and were also used when empty as prisons. According to Jeremiah these cisterns were broken and could not contain the waters. 

 Spiritually speaking God is saying to them you are not containing what you have received from me because your container is weak. It is vital that we look at our foundations and consider  inspecting our foundation so that we can hold unto the teachings and revelations we receive from the Lord and are then able to apply them to our lives.

I read this funny story before that says a country church was having their annual revival meeting. On the first night the preacher preached a message about repentance and the need to return to the Lord. At the altar call, a man came down the aisle saying, "Fill me Lord, fill me".

The next night the preacher challenged the congregation with the need to totally surrender their lives to Christ in complete obedience. Again, the altar call was extended; like the night before the same man came down the aisle saying, "Fill me Lord, fill me".

The third night of the revival preacher warned his congregation of the evils of sin and urged the congregation to live lives of holiness. Again, at the invitation was made to give one's life to Christ, the same man came up the aisle saying, "Fill me Lord, fill me".

To which someone in the back of the church yelled; "Don't do it Lord, He leaks!"

When we leak, we are unable to contain what we receive, if we leak the “living waters”, that we have been reading about the last two days, then we lack the water we need and therefore begin to thirst. Thirst then reveals something that is missing in you.

What are you thirsty for these days?  Could it be the reason we find ourselves thirsty is because we have broken cisterns? Let us examine ourselves some more and begin to detect the areas that we may find ourselves leaking and fix them so that we can be in a continuous overflow of God’s presence in our lives. 

Prayer:  “God, today we look within our lives, we take the time to inspect our own cisterns, our foundations and please reveal to us the areas where we may have been leaking. We need to fix them Lord, so that we can take on the challenges that are before us and therefore become the overcomers you have called us to be. Amen.”