Psalm 41 “blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble. The Lord protects and preserves them. They are counted among the blessed in the land; he does not give them over to the desire of their foes."

During our time of fasting and praying ,it is important that we look to the Lord and ask him to give us a heart for the poor. That we take the time to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us and show us to whom we can serve and be a blessing to. This is what the kingdom of God is all about. That we, as his children,  bring peace to those who are in need and that we become Jesus hands and feet for the hurting.

At times we may not even wonder how blessed we are when we do give. Not that this is our driving force to do these acts of kindness, but this is a reminder that God does not forget his children and he rewards those who act out in obedience.

Let David’s words be a reminder to us that God has our back, especially when we first care for the weak and allow this to be part of who we are and not just something that we do.

Prayer: Today Lord I take the time to pray for all those who serve at our project feed love today. May you comfort them and remember them always. You promised in your word in Psalm 41 that you bless those who have regard for the weak, and that you will not allow them to be given over to their enemies. I speak blessing upon blessing over them, and anyone else that you may be inspiring to go out and be a strong arm for others who are weak. Help us make a difference in our world. Amen.