Mark 7:32-33 “There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him. After he took him aside, away from the crowds Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue.”  

I love the detail that Mark’s gospel goes into in this particular story. We are told that this man is deaf  and mute. We are told that Jesus takes the man away from the crowd and then we see the acts he does for this miracle. What grabs my attention in this story is that Jesus took him aside from the crowd. Why would He do this if the man was deaf? He couldn’t  really hear anything, but he could still see the noise of the people. Something happens when we move away from the noise of everyday life to simply hear the Lord.  

When we take out the time to simply get away from the noise, we are positioning ourselves for the supernatural to occur. This deaf man, went away with Jesus and was then able to hear clearly and was able to receive Jesus DNA so that he could speak clearly. I wonder what would happen if we did the same?  

I encourage you to continue to practice getting away from the noise and allow the Lord to put the DNA of his WORD in you so that you can begin to not only hear clearly but utter those words out of our mouths and declare your healing and victory!   

Prayer: Lord, may we have the courage to step away from our everyday routine so that we are able to spend time in your presence. May we shut the noise around us so that your DNA may be in us and we too can speak clearly your word with boldness over our situations. We thank you Lord. Amen.