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Acts 1:4-4 "On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift may Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Sprit."

D.L. Moody once said, "there is not a better evangelist in the world than the Holy Spirit."  The Holy Spirit is the (ruah of God), the breath, the third person of the God Head, and the power by which Jesus rose from the dead.  Jesus had promised that he would also be their advocate and the one that will guide them into all truth. The Holy Spirit knows the heart of the Father as well. Who better than Him to lead the way? 

The disciples had the story. They actually lived the story! At this moment, they not only lived it, but were witnesses of the resurrection, and in a few moments they will see the Son of God ascend into heaven. Who better than them to share the gospel story? According to Carolyn Tenant,  “it’s the difference between reading a love letter and hearing the words directly from the lips of the lover.” 

The disciples could go, but if they were going to change the world, they needed their message to be fueled with the power of God, and the only way for this to happen meant they needed to wait!  As the story continues, they return to Jerusalem and assembled in an upper room to pray and seek the face of God.

Their obedience said a lot about their character, and hunger, for what God was about to give them. They just didn't wait, but they were open for however the Spirit would come. They prayed continuously for 10 days, and sought after God. What will happen if you take the time to not only wait, but open to how God will show up in your life? The scripture says in Acts 2 that the Spirit of God came 'suddenly', and the church was born! 

Can we take the same approach today, so the greatest revival of our time can happen? All it takes is for us to be open and wait for His Spirit to come.

Prayer: "Lord, we eagerly wait today for your Spirit to come as he did on the day of Pentecost! Come upon this vessel, and use us for your will and for your Glory! Rest upon us Holy Spirit and lead us to be towards the divine calling that God has for our lives. Amen!"